
2017年《人类 Human 短片》_1080PBT种子下载_《人类 Human 短片》在线迅雷下载

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  2017年《人类 Human 短片》_1080PBT种子下载_《人类 Human 短片》在线迅雷下载

《人类 Human 短片》 (未知)

《人类 Human 短片》

《人类 Human 短片》 - 导演与演员



《人类 Human 短片》 - 电影简介

The official multi award winning sci-fi independent short film Human. Directed by multi award winning film maker Patrick Ryder, Human tell...The official multi award winning sci-fi independent short film Human. Directed by multi award winning film maker Patrick Ryder, Human tells the story of Anna, a woman lost and alone who stumbles upon what appears to be an abandoned warehouse, but what she discovers inside will change her life forever with the discovery of Allium the robot Played by Alex Phillips and voiced by Mitch Rouse. An intelligent machine capable of learning and possibly even feeling. The pair spark up an unlikely friendship and when Anna learns of Mari Nadia Lamin a woman who may hold the key to all the secrets, Anna knows what she must do.[ 显示全部剧情 ]


《人类 Human 短片》 - 影评

《人类 Human 短片》是一部2017年的科幻片,该片以独特的视角探讨了人类与机器人之间的关系和冲突。影片通过精致的特效和引人入胜的剧情,将观众带入一个充满未知和惊喜的世界。故事情节紧凑,每一个场景都充满着紧张和悬疑,让观众屏息凝神地跟随着主人公的脚步感受着人类与机器人之间的紧张关系。演员们的出色表现和导演的巧妙镜头运用使得整个影片充满着无限的想象和探索空间,让观众在片长短短的时间里体验到了一场视听盛宴。总的来说,《人类 Human 短片》通过其新颖的题材和引人深思的剧情,成功地打破了传统科幻片的定式,让人们重新审视人类与机器人之间的关系,引发观众对未来科技发展的思考与探讨。

   下载地址:《人类 Human 短片》-人类 Human 短片/HD/1080P/MP4/中文字幕:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:47DC8643754204B4AA3511DCF7F63DAD4D4E585E

